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Grounding Spirit into Matter
through the Platinum Grid of Light

Interpreted through Alisa Battaglia
With the Guidance of Earth Mother and Kosmic Overlight


I share this information with those whose desires are aligned with the greater purpose of our planet and are called to work with the Light. The Light of God, Source, Creator of All That Is.

I have long been called to my Birthright held within the memory complex of the Ancient of Days to work with Earth's grid template to assist humanities ascension process - to hold LIGHT energy of the collective heart matrix and to ground its spiritual energy into the Earth and collective consciousness grid. Vital to act on ones inner guidance and trust in the unseen, which forms the pathway beneath the feet providing the foundation that so many are seeking.

With the guidance of Earth Mother, my Soul and the Great White Brotherhood I have learned how to navigate through inner processes that ground Spirit into matter. The intercourse of earthly and spiritual energies consummated at the hearts center activates the ray of the inner diamond at the heart to illumine what needs to be surrendered, developed and mastered. Gods Light reveals all!

Ultimately, the journey of self development requires that all things be seen in proportion. Without the capacity to see the place of ones unique experiences in the larger picture produces resistance to the light that halts ones development. For some, the journey of unfolding started as a young adult with pauses along the way while others are just beginning their journey. The process is the same no matter the stage of the journey. Letting go into sovereignty is all that is needed. In this space of receptivity, the weight of emotional stuff is surrendered and one becomes a hollow channel to hold the light for inner illumination. The more Spiritual light one can hold in balance within ones threefold body (physical, emotional and mental) the more conscious intermediary one is between Heaven and Earth. The intercourse of earthly and spiritual energies within the physical vehicle will cause a Divine Axis Alignment - a channel or crystal light cord that pierces through the in-body chakras into the gateway of Galactic presence. This white ray of light descends from your Divine Presence through the mediator (Master Teacher) and is anchored in the threefold flame within your heart connecting you with your Divine Source. This connection is sealed within a protective cylinder of shimmering pure radiance or crystal-diamond tube of light that descends from your I AM THAT I AM Presence and surrounds the Master to the soul personality. The crystal-diamond tube of light can be invoked daily for your protection and empowerment.

I believe through my own experience with the crystal/silver cord and the crystal-diamond tube of light that the galactic channel referenced by the Mayans as a mode of interstellar travel is one and the same. However, it seems that the channel of crystal Light created by the Divine Axis Alignment or crystal cord connection moves through the Universal body only so far as ones consciousness can reach. Perhaps these consciousness gaps in the channel of light are ring-pass-nots into other realms. I have found that to connect the two spaces into continuum requires conscious bridging. This bridge must be self-constructed through spiritual Will and emotional purification. The bridge is what is known as the Antahkarana in Sanskrit...the Rainbow Bridge from the soul that links the human vehicle to the Divine, which allows one to travel and experience multi-dimensional realities. Yet, until ones inner power is harnessed and developed there is no capacity to formulate an interconnective bridge or Lighted Pathway. The Great Work can show you how.

Harnessing the transformational power of Light energy through the Great Work accelerates healing in self, the human collective consciousness grid and the Earths energy body.

Please contact me if you choose to power the Light Grid and/or Join the Global Communion Network. Healing power Multiplies with Group synergy!

With Great Love and Respect for All

In Service I AM,

Alisa Battaglia

Table of Contents

I-The Origin of the Great Work
• The Nature of Light
• The Purpose of Light
• Harnessing the Power of Light
• Invoking the Light
• Grounding the Light
• Rays of Light
• Color Breathing

II-Challenges in Grounding the Light
• A Light Bearer in Every Family
• Weak Grounding
• Three Simple Ways to Reinforce A Connection with the Earth
• Soul Wounds

III-The Three Quest Process
• The First Quest
• The Second Quest
• The Third Quest

The New Group of World Servers


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