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Solar Harmonics
Activating the Pineal Gland for Wellness & Enlightenment

Alisa Battaglia

The Sun's power to heal has been recognized by humanity for thousands of years. Without the nourishing Sun's rays our bodies would wither and die and all life on this planet would soon end.
Light, natural sunlight activates the pineal gland, which turns the brain on for whole brain synthesis. These ray bands are stepped down and absorbed by sentient bodies for assimilation. Assimilation through resonance causes the magical conversion experience of the suns energy into nutrition, the healing of disease, heightened energy, increased psychic abilities and, ultimately enlightenment.

Light is color is vibration. The Sun's rays contain the full spectrum of colors with only a few of them detectable by the human eye. To maintain good health the body must adequately absorb and utilize the right dose of the vitamins on specific ray spectrums. Each of the body’s organs vibrate to a particular frequency and color and is nourished and rejuvenated by receiving what it needs. For instance, sunlight is absorbed into the body via the eyes and skin. Through the skin direct sunshine on large portions of the body produces vitamin D and through the eyes, the life force intake is distributed on an as needed basis.
The practice of solar gazing is more concerned with absorbing the suns light through the eyes, although later it is recommended to walk in the sun. Solar gazing is a one-time practice performed in a three phase process that takes nine months to complete. It is supported, thereafter by a life-time regimen of walking bare foot on earth’s soil or natural surface daily for at least 45 minutes in order to recharge the body. If the Sun gazing practice is followed with dedication it offers a tremendous capacity to transform dis-eased states within the mind-body complex and eventual enlightenment.


Many people appear to be successfully engaged in this solar gazing practice and are reporting benefits, provided it is done with an appropriate measure of caution in order to minimize risk to the eyes.
Looking directly into the sun can be damaging to the eyes. Solar retinopathy is a form of damage to the retina from solar radiation, usually seen in those who look directly at the sun during a solar eclipse. Although vision loss due to the sun is generally reversible, the vast majority of solar retinal injuries, permanent damage and loss of vision have been reported as a result of viewing a solar eclipse without adequate protection because the pupil is opened up, allowing very high levels of UV to penetrate in a short time. However, there are impressively few reports of any such injuries from non-eclipse sun gazing and even eclipse-viewing injuries are relatively uncommon.

If practiced within the established safety guidelines there is little danger is sun gazing.

Vinny Pinto of the Raw Paleolithic Diet website who has done a tremendous amount of research in the area of sun gazing and is a sun gazer himself, writes: There is definitely some potential danger to staring at the sun for any significant length of time anytime after a couple of hours after sunrise or a couple of hours before sunset, and particularly at high noon and during early afternoon, but even then the harm would likely be minor or temporary. There is also some significant danger from staring at an eclipse for even a short length of time, since the pupil may be tricked by the apparent low light intensity into allowing too great an influx of solar radiation at harmful wavelengths into the eye.


Solar Gazing is generally broken into three phases slowly expanding the amount of time gazing by 10 second increments each day thereafter.

1. First 3 months – Start with 10 seconds and with 15 minutes by the end of three months.
2. 3-6 months – Start with 15 minutes and end with 30 minutes at the end of six months.
3. 6-9 months - Start with 30 minutes and end with 45 minutes at the end of Nine months.
4. Discontinue Solar Gazing

PHASE ONE: The First Three Months

First Day: Learning how to ground.

The path to healing and enlightenment requires grounded energy in order to hold and anchor higher spiritual force. It is important to stand on warm, bare earth if possible while solar gazing. Grounding into the earth enhances the solar gazing benefits as the sun’s rays enter the earth body and stores the energy. The feet then absorb the stepped down solar power for internal assimilation.

On the first day, solar gaze for a maximum of 10 seconds while looking directly into the sun during the safe hours. Safe hours are defined as gazing only during the first hour after sunrise or the last hour before sunset, when the sun’s rays are most gentle to the eyes. If gazing is not done around dawn or sunset and is performed at other hours it will result in serious damage to the retina.

Second Day: Extending Gazing Time

On the second day, extend gazing time from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.
Every Day after up to Three Months
Every successive day up to three Months add 10 additional seconds to the solar gazing regimen. That means after 10 days solar gaze for one minute and 40 seconds or 100 seconds.

EFFECTS: The effects of phase one is a more positive mindset, less negativity, more confidence, more compassion, and less fear.

PHASE TWO: From Three to Six Months

About 15 minutes of gazing time will have been reached by the end of three months. When 30 minutes are reached into the latter six months, the body organs will have been saturated with all the colors of the sun, having reached the brain through the eye. As natures color therapy, the eyes receive the entire spectrum of sunlight and the colors necessary to address any internal deficiencies. For example, Red, Orange and Yellow are Warm colors that treat illnesses that cause a weakened condition like Anemia. Green, Blue and Turquoise are cool colors and treat illnesses that cause excess conditions like Pain. Green is the master color. It is refreshing and cool. It connects us to unconditional love. The brain regulates the flow of color prana to the internal organs dependent on certain sun color prana and deficient areas of the body as needed.

“Color is a living energy. It is a property of light. Light is an electromagnetic energy produced by the sun in different wavelengths. As the light is absorbed and reflected we end up with different colors. Everything in nature is full of color. The mechanism of many illnesses is caused by infringement of color (electromagnetic) harmony, mixture of colors, and also deficiency of the certain color necessary for normal activity of the organs and mind-emotional condition of the person.”

With an ample supply of the required color-vibrational frequency, the vital organs rejuvenate, which slowly liberates the body from dis-ease. This is because the physical-etheric body uses the conversion of solar radiation into a direct current of electricity as a primary fueling source much like a Photovoltaic cell. Humans are body electric and the body requires energy (Light- color-frequency), but not necessarily through food, which is actually a secondary source of energy. (link to we are what we eat about primary food, wellness website). This frees the energy for more productive use as in rejuvenation. At the end of six months many mental and spiritual benefits present themselves.

In addition, tensions and worries require a lot of energy to maintain and since it is so draining to the etheric body most of the energy synthesized from food is used by the brain to “fuel” those tensions and worries. (link to Conscious living etheric body drain)

EFFECTS: During this phase tensions subside and will eventually leave completely. Many physical diseases subside which are fueled by those negative emotional components. The desire for food may also decrease. (link to we are how we think)

PHASE THREE: From Six to Nine Months

After 6 months onward, the body starts to utilize the original form of “micro food” from the sun, which has the additional benefit of non GMO, pesticide free, or any other form of toxic waste attached to it.

From about 35 minutes per day of sun gazing (around 7.5 months) hunger starts to decrease appreciably. Hunger results from the energy requirements of the body, which is a must for existence, but now the body receives energetic nutrition directly from the sun rather than indirectly by eating foods that are a by-product of the suns energy. Food is not a necessity for the body to function; only energy is.

Having reached 44 minutes of sun gazing (about 8 to 9 months), hunger is pretty much gone. If hunger still persists, work on beliefs that may hold limitation in the potential of this practice. With the mind clear and focused, self mastery takes hold as higher levels of brain activity open and new psychic abilities develop. The inner navigator lends wisdom to life issues and problems seem to resolve themselves.

EFFECTS: High energy levels and a deep sense of well-being.

RECHARGING THE BODY: Maintenance after Nine Months of Solar Gazing

For the sake of eye care discontinue solar gazing after nine months. At this point the eyes have reached their limit of safe intake of direct sun gazing. Be mindful of extremes, of thinking more is better, as the goal is rejuvenation, not to create irreparable damage.

The suns energy source powers the brain and the human eye. The eyes are the only organ where the sun can either enter or leave the human body, the stored energy in the body will eventually become discharged through the open eye. So, like a battery, the body must be recharged. See Conservation I Technique below.

Recharging: It is vital to recharge the body simply by walking bare foot on the earth and in the sun. Exposure to sunlight and geomagnetic fields charges the etheric body. Solar radiation is absorbed into the ground which in turn is absorbed by the bare foot for assimilation into the body.

In addition, walking stimulates the pineal gland. In Reflexology, the foot is a microcosm of the entire body, and the padded part of the big toe is an acupressure point that connects to the pineal gland and walking stimulates it. The rest of the toes are connected to the other major glands in the body and also provide stimulation. See Conservation II TechniqueS.


Conservation I:
The conservation exercise, “Facing Inward, Acupuncture Rejuvenation Treatment” found in the “Insight Meditation Manual- Self Healing Series (INSERT LINK TO MANUAL) is useful. The exercise is supplementary to walking to help conserve the recharge. However, it is not meant to be a substitute for walking. This profound technique of neuromuscular coordination induces sense withdrawal of the heads orifices (eyes, ears, nose and mouth). The activation of particular points conserves energy by shutting off impulses and reflexes to produce an integration of mental processes and psycho-physiological homeostasis. This makes the body and mind more stable in meditation. Life force is redirected back into the body that would otherwise be dispersed. This rejuvenates the nervous system.

Conservation II: Another conservation exercise is to sit on the floor and stretch forward reaching out over the legs to put pressure on the padded toe point for 45-60 seconds. This stimulates the pineal gland and is not a substitute for walking.


Walk six (6) consecutive days at a relaxed pace for 45 minutes per day in the sun. There is no need to walk briskly or jog.

If after one year of “recharging,” and an optimal level of wellness has been reached the bare foot walking practice can be discontinued. However, continued walking has untold wellness benefits. In particular it strengthens the immune system, memory, and intelligence. When walking bare foot, the body weight stimulates all 5 glands through the toes. The earth’s heat/energy strengthens them and the suns prana falling on the head feeds the crown chakra.

Supplement the Energy Conservation Techniques with the walking. If walking is discontinued entirely Conservation Technique I will help retain the charge of Conservation Technique II, which stimulates the pineal gland by acupressure application to the big toe.

: Tobacco, drugs, flouride, aparatame and synthetic sugar derivatives, nature disconnection, stress and Lack of Vitamin A from sun light.


©Alisa Battaglia, June 4, 2010

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