Conscious Living

Spiritual Wellness
Values, Purpose, Intuition, Vitality

“Spirituality is a lens through which we view life
and a gauge by which we evaluate it." ~Elder Dallin H. Oaks

All of life is imbued with spirit. We are all spirit manifest in form. Spirituality is the backdrop for life and is therefore, not religious. Religion in turn is a deeply personal orientation to a specific belief system. There is a spiritual aspect within us all and while some may feel uncomfortable expressing their spirituality or find it difficult to reach inside, others cultivate some form of spirituality as a necessary daily practice. Spiritual practices can include being with Nature, being kind to others, of helpful service, praying and meditating, creating, singing (chanting), playing music (drumming), dancing, walking a labyrinth and contemplative practices, and doing yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, Eastern martial art forms, and so on. These are all doorways to access our Essential Self and whatever chosen method, it is meant to feed your spirit. Essentially, expressing the true side of our nature, is to be a consistent extension of the world of God.

Spiritual congruency guides our lives with ethics, values and moral intuition by which we interpret our world view, organize our day to day living and assess our way of life, as it is the eternal component of humanity. It is a personal quest for understanding answers to ultimate questions about life, about meaning, fulfillment of our mission, and about relationships to the sacred. Spiritual wellness is a sense that life is purposeful and without coincidence to guide us in the direction of meaning, hope, comfort and inner peace.

The cultivation of spiritual health can dramatically influence physical, mental, and emotional health. There is such an impact on health because spirituality, like love, which is its essence, buffers stress making us better able to resist and fight disease. Without the stress we heal more quickly and completely without the reactionary process being in the forefront of responses. A reduction of blood pressure and lowered heart rate produces relaxation by default. This helps us to develop a deep feeling connection with Spirit that we stop being so self focused and instead, reach out to others who are in need with an attitude of compassion and goodwill that promotes health in general.

Spiritual strength promotes positive thinking, positive ideals, positive habits, positive attitudes, and positive efforts to the best of our present ability in consciousness. These are the qualities that promote wisdom, physical and mental well-being and enthusiastic acceptance and response by others. And when we have attained sufficient self-mastery we are able to govern the law of our own being through right use of Will (higher will).

"Millions are now ready to awaken because spiritual awakening is not an option anymore, but a necessity if humanity and the planet are to survive. Everything is speeding up – the madness, the collective egoic dysfunction, as well as the arising of the new consciousness, the awakening. We are running out of time. From the perspective of the ego, that’s bad news and will give rise to fear. From a higher perspective, the running out of time is exactly what is needed for the new consciousness to come into this world." ~Eckhart Tolle

Healing Alignment: Spiritual wellness is a search for meaning and purpose that leads us to strive for a state of harmony with our selves and others while working to balance inner needs with the rest of the world. Use the list below to gage your spiritual equilibrium. In Spiritual Wellness you feel:

• Enriched in some way.
• Focused and able to concentrate longer and more deeply.
• Tolerant of others foibles and your own.
• Less judgmental and loving towards self and others.
• More Compassionate.
• Connected with the web of life.
• A stewarship over planet Earth and preservation of all life forms.
• Concern over ecological destruction.
• A call to action to preserve the good, the beautiful and the true.
• Your authentic self leads over your ego desires.
• The need to forgive rather than punish.
• Aligned in your Truth.
• Your Masculine and feminine forces are equally integrated and balanced in your gender body.
• In tune with the rhythm of the Kosmic Circuit.
• Integrated physically, emotionally and mentally.
• Connected with the undifferentiated stream of Unity consciousness.
• The need to support and uplift those to a better quality of life.
• In sync with Universal Law and Principle.
• In synthesis with the law of opposites.
• Comfortable expressing your creative sexual energy.
• Connected with your Spiritual core and the multi-dimensional aspects of your self.
• The force of your souls urge.
• In your purpose

Know Thy Self First

One of the secrets of life is to be honestly who you are. Who others want you to be, who you used to be,
and who you may some day become ... these are fantasies.
To be honestly who you are is to give up your illusions and face today with courage. ~Bill Purdin

Knowing the Self is the most important relationship we have with the spirit of life, as understanding who we are influences everything we think, feel, do and say. How deeply we are connected to our core selves is the depth of our capacity to be incorruptible in speaking our truth, living with courage and how successfully we relate to others. Every aspect of expression comes from this centrigfual force at the core. Is the core of your being strong or is it weak?

The inner strength within ourselves makes virtue possible and the "Given" accessible. But, if we let the illusory promises of the external life introduce distraction into our consciousness, it blocks our self knowing and overshadows our co-creatorship with Spirit. We are then out of purpose that in turn reflects back onto others and we never come to know ourselves and live life reflexively, day-to-day on the surface.

To cultivate a strong relationship with our inner life we must not allow the external world to get inside of us or we will never be free of the conflict of falsehoods. External systems merely faciliate our reactions, fear or insecurity, and produce the means to implement them. The influence of worldliness currupts--it opposes ethics to artifical divisions and undermines human honesty and Truth. When our voice is vertically aligned with Source we are consistent at all levels of our being. Our voice is no longer an echo of others. Our sense to discriminate recognizes those with clear voices and those of the masses caught up in choices created for them. Where there is discernement there is the recognition of who we are.

When our lives are not based upon external values we are free. Freedom from within comes when we build strength in our psyche and internalize our power. This gives us courage to live from the heart and live in harmony with the Universe, which in turn frees us from the illusions fostered by the outer world. When we "Know Thy Self," we elevate our attitude and project courage and character to the world. We become wise and find contentment in the power of our soul's authority.

Healing Alignment:
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. ~Epictetus

Cultivate self awareness that comes by questioning the authority of your thoughts.
Examine your belief in other people's ideas.
Awaken to a new intelligence with determination to not allow it to be compromised.
Enter a state of holiness.
Transform lonliness into the joy of aloneness.
Leap into spontaneity instead of being a passenger in your own life. Let go of the child of conformity.
Speak your Truth and don't be afraid to say how you feel because of others limitations.
Make room for silence and daily contemplation in your life.
Practice sharing the love and blessings you feel inside yourself with others.
Be able to say "I am Sorry" and make the necessary corrections to amend.
Stay close to nature and in rhythm with Kosmic flow.
Express your creative energy.
Trust your intution--the guidance of your inner compass.
Accept rejection and reject acceptance

Affirmation: Love is a state of being, not an activity of thought.

Simple Living Voice

A Strong Simple Living Voice is:

The voice that says you don't need so many things to live comfortably.
It's a voice that urges you to choose quality over quantity.
It's a voice that says don't be distracted by all the meaningless jabber and media nonsense that is out there.
It's a voice that says having a balanced home life is essential.
It's a voice that says raise your standards.
It's a voice that says be in control of your life and avoid entanglements, people or debt that will rob you of that position.
It's a voice that says aim for happiness.
It's a voice that says richness comes from the relationships that you create, and these cannot be purchased.

We need to listen to these voices.

~Simple Living Network
